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Preaching by: John J. Malone, Sr - JABSBG*

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The Lord’s “deposit” to you. - Comments (3)

Printer Friendly Category: Articles,Doctrine
Author: John Malone
Date: 26th May, 2006 @ 03:20:30 PM

The Lord committed both a {dispensation|Eph 3:2-5;Col 1:25-28} and a {deposit|2Ti 1:12} to the apostle Paul.

Today we would call Paul a “driven man.” This is certainly not a pejorative, as we learn that immediatly after the Lord’s baptism, an Irresistable Force drew a willing Subject – Our Savior – {into the wilderness to be tested.|Mark 1:12}

Paul issues forth his {modus operandi|Phi 3:7-14} in a late epistle, and then claims that he is the {prototype follower|1Ti 1:15-16} of our Lord Jesus Christ, cutting a pattern (as tentmakers must do) for the rest of us to follow.

In his discourses, the apostle imparts an institutional form which churches should follow. There is not much to this form: a few ordinances {(traditions)+Traditions+the Lord’s supper, baptism, and the head covering of the woman}, {four symbols+Four Symbols+1. The head covering, 2. the cup, 3. the loaf, and 4. immersion in water}, and a lightweight {ruling structure+elders and deacons+Elders and deacons (ministers) were found both in Jewish synagogues, and Gentile city structures.} sanctified and borrowed from a commonality between Jewish synagogues and Gentile cities.

As in the {days of Joshua|Jos 3:14-17}, the testimony of the Lord was to be carried by “men walking,” bearing about the testimony of the Lord in the form of a {coffin|Ex 25:10}.

In the days of David, when that principle was lost by following the {ways of the heathen Gentiles|1Sam 6:2;1Sam 6:7-9}, serious judgment was visited upon God’s {those who particpated|2Sam 6:3-7}.

In the latter days of the apostle Paul, especially in 2nd Timothy, we discover the ecclesiastical forms he had issued in his pastoral epistles had come to nought. We can infer this by his complete lack of reference to these ecclesiastical orders which he was theretofore careful to inaugurate in every place.

In Ephesus, for example, just as the apostle {prophesied|Acts 20:29-30}, out of their own midst, men arose to take followings after themselves in the face of faithfulness to the Lord Jesus Christ, using the very office they held as shepherds to divide the flock.

God always has an answer for man’s unfaithfulness. He has to, because the only reliable aspect of fallen man is his unreliability! So despite the simple and ordinary requirements placed on the churches to be maintained as “the house of God,” by and large, over the entire dispensation, they failed to do so.

This is should be no surprise to all.

The Book of Hebrews is a “warnings” book. One of the {early warnings in the book|Heb 3:4-6} is directed to the churches fo God, and clearly states that if the {hope of God’s calling|Eph 4:4} is not held “to the end,” then status as God’s house will be forfeited. Of course, this present dispensation – as in all – demonstrates the failure of men to adhere to the dictates of God’s provisions.

Despite the institutional failure of the believers, God still has grace for those individuals who will esteem his calling, and especially his {“calling on high.”|Phi 3:14} This calling on high asnwers to the parable of the wedding feast when the Lord observed the Pharisees seeking the {highest places|Lu 14:7-10} at the tables. “{Friend|Jo 15:14-16}, come up higher.”

Again, the Lord {offers|Rev 3:20} individual fellowship today, despite corporate failure.

And the Lord also offers to {endue and honor|2Ti 1:14} the believer who will study His word AND guard his own relationships, avoiding the dishonorable vessels all around him. Any one {so doing|2Ti 2:21} will be a vessel unto honor, and fit for service to his Master.

Comment by Luke Mendes » 11th April, 2007 @ 07:39:12 AM

And the Lord also offers to endue and honor the believer who will study His word AND guard his own relationships, avoiding the dishonorable vessels all around him. Any one so doing will be a vessel unto honor, and fit for service to his Master.

These words are encouragement to me, since im trying to follow these words presently.
Thank you in Jesus name.

Comment by theo dippenaar » 14th May, 2012 @ 10:09:37 AM

Hi john I’m from south africa I’m trying to download you teachings on audio I could only downloud up to the tree resurections the rest I ccannot download even corintians I’m desperate to get the teachings I need Gods word the way you describe it I’m learning a lot can you help me please I will appreciate it a lot God bless mu contact details is as such 0736392839

Comment by John Malone » 23rd March, 2013 @ 10:40:49 AM

Tried to reach you.

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